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6. TMI


This page lists “TMI” of Hanni from NewJeans, a 5-member girl group.
TMI originally stands for â€œToo Much Information.” However, in Korean popular culture, the term has evolved to mean â€œinteresting personal details/trivia.”

Not sure what “TMI” means in K-Pop? Click here.
Read more about Hanni’s official stats and positions within the team here.



  • Hanni is a huge fan of bread; which is why she got the nickname â€œBbang Hanni” (bbang is “bread” in Korean)and why her chemistry name with Minji is “bbangsaz” (bread lovers).
    • Hanni has introduced herself as â€œsomeone who likes even the bread they give you on the plane.”
  • Hanni likes the mint chocolate flavor and Hawaiian pizza.
  • Hanni has said that she’s a fan of avocadoes.
  • Hanni prefers hard/crunchy peaches to soft peaches.
  • Hanni prefers carp bread with shu cream filling to the red bean filling; she prefers to eat carp bread from the tail, rather than the head.


  • Hanni likes to watch movies, and tries to watch at least one movie per week.
    • Hanni likes most genres, but especially loves the action and animation genres.
    • Hanni has said that she really liked Everything Everywhere All At Once, and has done a deep dive into the related discussions and articles after watching the movie.
  • Hanni also likes watching vlogs on YouTube.
  • Hanni likes taking walks in the night; she says it has to be during the night because she likes the cool temperature and vibe that you can only get from nighttime walks.
  • Hanni likes to play arcade games.
  • Hanni knows how to play ukulele, guitar and piano.
    • She has played the ukulele for her audition and “We Are NewJeans” clip, and she could also be seen playing the guitar in her By Jeans cover videos and her vlog with her family on the official NewJeans YouTube channel.

Likes and Dislikes

  • Hanni loves to wear hoodies, and often.
  • Hanni’s favorite colors are grey and mint.
  • Hanni likes all seasons except for summer. Hanni dislikes summer because of mosquitoes.
  • Hanni’s favorite christmas song is “Silent Night, Holy Night,” because it reminds her of singing the song during the annual Christmas parties of her childhood.
  • Hanni has said that her sorting hat test results came out Hufflepuff, even though she prefers Slytherin for the cool and chic image.
  • Hanni likes taking pictures of pretty/unique/interesting-looking clouds.


  • Even though Hanni is fluent in Korean, her accent sometimes shows through her pronunciation, or she will get certain Korean words wrong.
  • Many have become fans of her cute “mistakes,” often replacing the original (correct) versions of the words, calling it Pham-Country Language, Hanni Language, or Pham Dialect.
    • Some examples of the famous “Pham Dialect” include:
      • Calling Min Hee Jin â€œdaepyunim” (original word: “daepyonim” / CEO) : Hanni’s “daepyunim” became so famous that the fandom now calles Min Hee Jin almost exclusively by the nickname.
      • Pronouncing “Goyangi” / Cat as “ggoyangi,” with a hard “double g” sound.
      • Saying â€œmy brain is slow” for the original Korean expression, “my head isn’t functioning normally” or â€œYou have to open your brain” for the original Korean expression, “You have to use your head.”
      • “Tansunamul” (original word: “tansuhwamul” / carbs) / â€œBunuji” (original word: “Bunnies”) / Mistaking red bean porridge as â€œchocolate porridge”
      • “Ungmangjangchin” (original word: “ungmangjinchang” / total mess): This mistake has actually become the name of the official variety series on the NewJeans YouTube channel, â€œTotal Mess Debate” (엉망잔칭 토론회).
  • Hanni has said that one of her habits to shake off pre-stage nerves is to touch her rings a lot.
  • Hanni has said that her special ability is that she can quickly fall asleep anywhere.
  • Hanni is close to Huh Yunjin of LE SSERAFIM, as they spent time as trainees together when Hanni was still under the management of Source Music.
    • The two went to watch Barbie and The Boy and the Heron together.
Hanni with Huh Yunjin (LE SSERAFIM)


Most of the nicknames on this page have originated from Korean media or conversations held in Korean among members.

Pham Hanni 팜하니 A nickname most often used by the fans and the members, “Pham Hanni” is Hanni’s English name written in the Korean way (with the surname coming in front of her first name).
Bbang Hanni 빵하니 Hanni loves bread. Bread is “bbang” in Korean, and also sounds like her real surname, Pham, in Korean (pronounced “pahm”).
PhamPhamPham 팜팜팜 PhamPhamPham is Hanni’s surname repeated three times; the members usually use this nickname to urgently call out to Hanni in frantic situations.
Ngoc-yi 응옥이 Ngoc is Hanni’s Vietnamese middle name, with “yi,” the Korean suffix added at the end of your name as a sign of affection or friendliness. “Ngoc” in Korean is pronounced like “eung-ok.”
Pham Dialect 팜투리 As Korean is not her first language, Hanni often makes cute mistakes when speaking Korean. Her mistakes became huge hits within the fandom and became known as the “Pham Dialect.”
Circle 동그라미 Hanni is simply called “circle,” because everything about her facial features (facial shape, eyes, nose, lips, etc) is said to be “round.”
Coco Pham 코코팜 Coco Palm is a popular grape juice and jelly canned drink in Korea. In Korean, Coco Palm and Coco Pham (Pham being Hanni’s last name) are pronounced the same way.
Pham Hoodie 팜후드 Hanni is known for wearing hoodies often in her daily life, and also looking good in them.